lessons i learned from my kitten…

lessons i learned from my kitten…

how crazy we look going after our reflection in the mirror like it’s the enemy: my Queens that is literally our bestie

how to effectively communicate my love languages & set boundaries

that we should take a long hard look look before we leap and then jump anyway trusting in our abilities

that time spent chasing our tail & running in circles is a waste of our energy

that we get nine lives in this lifetime because one way or another we always land on our feet 👣 

that our shit stinks if we don’t deal with it & just cover it up

what a waste of energy it is living in survival mode when we’re being held in love

that sometimes we can slice people who love us on our sharp edges without meaning to

that there are many things in life to look forward to and one of the most important will always be food 😂

 :what charlie wrote:

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